This page last changed on Mar 21, 2004 by mroberts.
This is the Site Index for the CruiseControl.NET Space: Space Index
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Basic Installation
CruiseControl.NET is distributed in 3 formats: An installer that copies the CruiseControl.NET files to a location on your hard disk, and sets up a virtual directory, etc....
Build Log Build Plugin
The Build Log Build Plugin shows you the XML log for a specific build. Initially it is viewed inline in an HTML view, but there is also an option to download the raw XML form. This is a Project Configurable Build Plugin....
Build Publisher
The 'Build Publisher' lets you copy any arbitrary files on a successful build....
Build Report Build Plugin
The Build Report Build Plugin shows detailed output for a specific build. This report is generated by applying a list of XSL transforms to the build's log file. See XSL Files for a list of available XSL transforms....
CCNet 0.6 Final Release Notes
Bugs CCNET1 Email Contains Incorrect Unit Test Information (Brad Wilson) CCNET2 SiteMesh cannot parse and render Html with foreign characters (Dmitry Ponomarenko) CCNET4 faild to display ccnet....
CCNet 0.6 RC1 Release Notes
Bugs CCNET1 Email Contains Incorrect Unit Test Information (Brad Wilson) CCNET4 faild to display ccnet.log in web interface CCNET5 Comlains of missing XmlLogger when it should not CCNET23 Vss writes labelling message to stderr....
CCNet 0.6.1 Release Notes
Bug CCNET70 CCTray balloon misspells successful as succesful. CCNET72 PVCS locks pvcsout.txt file CCNET73 email publishing "clickable" project link (Clayton Harbour) CCNET81 MergeFileTask should not fail if directory does not exist!...
CCNet 0.7 RC-1 Release Notes
Overview CruiseControl.NET 0.7 is one of our largest single releases so far. If you are upgrading from 0.6.1 or earlier, there are some big changes....
CCNet 0.7 Release Notes
Overview CruiseControl.NET 0.7 is one of our largest single releases so far. If you are upgrading from 0.6.1 or earlier, there are some big changes. Some updates are: Web Dashboard now has reporting options,...
CCNet 0.8 Release Notes
Overview CruiseControl.NET 0.8 has the following improvements since 0.7: CruiseControl.NET Server (!) Breaking Change Force Build Interval Trigger and Polling Interval Trigger have been replaced by Interval Trigger,...
CCNet 0.9 Release Notes
Overview CruiseControl.NET 0.9 has breaking configuration changes since 0.8. Make sure to read these release notes carefully and then drill down into the documentation as necessary....
CCNet 0.9.1 Release Notes
Overview Configuration If a tasks included in the section fails then none of the subsequent tasks will be executed....
CCNet 0.9.2 Release Notes
Overview If you are explicitly using the file state manager configuration block File State Manager in your ccnet.config file, you should be aware that the filename property has now been removed. The filename will be inferred from the project name....
CCTray is an optional utility for use with the CruiseControl.NET Continuous Integration server. It provides feedback upon build progress, and allows control over some of the server's operations....
Configuring the Server
Outside of writing your build scripts to support Continuous Integration, your main configuration task in getting an instance of CruiseControl.NET running for your project is editting the Server's configuration file....
Configuring the Web Dashboard
The Web Dashboard is configured solely through the {{dashboard.config}} file found in the root directory of the Web Dashboard application. There is no applicationspecific configuration in the {{web.config}} file....
Contributor License Agreement
We welcome, and are very appreciative of, contributions to CCNet from its user community. We'd love just to take your code and put it straight in the source tree, but for legal reasons we have to ask you to agree to the agreement below....
CruiseControl.NET Integration Process
The following is an example of what steps the CruiseControl.NET server goes through when running an integration on a project built using NAnt and checked into a Visual Source Safe (VSS) Source Control Server....
CruiseControl.NET Server
Read Configuring the Server to enable you to setup each of the projects you want to integrate. Read The Server Console Application if you want to run the CruiseControl.NET Server from the command line....
Custom Builder Plug-in
Steps: # Create a Class Library project to build the assembly that will contain your custom builder plugin. The assembly that it produces should be named: 'ccnet..plugin.dll' (where the star represents the name you choose)....
CVS Source Control Block
CVS Configuration Examples Please refer to Using CruiseControl.NET with CVS for an overview of this block. For cvs you must define where the cvs executable (if you give a relative path, it must be relative to the ccnet....
Dashboard Configuration Block
The root tag in the Dashboard Configuration file is the {{ }} tag. The {{}} tag contains a {{}} Remote Services Configuration Block section and a {{}} Plugins Configuration Block section. Example: . . . ....
Default Labeller
Default Labeller By default, CCNet uses a plain incrementing build number as a build label. Some source controls (e.g....
Developer Guidelines
Development Practices Testfirst development. Code without unit tests will not be accepted. Refactor mercilessly; however, notify the list before making large, broadreaching refactorings. Small methods (no more than 15 lines)....
Developing Web Dashboard Plugins
The Web Dashboard Plugin API is not yet stabilised. If you do write your own plugins it is recommended that you subscribe to the CCNet Checkins Mailing list
(!) If you are reading this documentation online it refers to the most recent development build, and not any specific release! Getting Started What is Continuous Integration? What is CruiseControl.NET? Why CruiseControl.NET?...
Documentation Guidelines
(!) This page is meant for committers to the CruiseControl.NET project only (i) This page still needs to be thrashed out, but here are some opening thoughts Configurable blocks should be documented under Configuring the server....
Release Distributions CruiseControl.NET release distributions are available from Sourceforge
Email Publisher
The email publisher can be used to send email to any number of users. It is common to include one user who gets an email for every build and then also send email to every developer who checked code in for this build....
Enterprise Continuous Integration with Binary Dependencies example
This example shows how to use CruiseControl.NET to automate 'Enterprise' (or crossproject) Continuous Integration (ECI). The particular flavour of ECI works by splitting up 1 project into 2 and introducing a 'binary' (or DLL) dependency between the 2....
Executable Task
The Executable Task lets you invoke any command line executable. It doesn't offer as much specific integration as (for example) the NAnt Task, but does allow you to hook almost anything up as a build process to CCNet....
The {{}} section can any number of {{}} subsections. Each of these are used to display project related links on the project report page of the Web Dashboard,...
Farm Report Farm Plugin
The Farm Report Farm Plugin shows you status information for all projects on all servers. If the Dashboard cannot connect to any specific server then an errors table is shown detailing the problems....
File Merge Task
Most build processes interact with external tools that write their output to file (eg. NUnit or FxCop or NCover). In order to make the output of these tools available to CruiseControl....
File State Manager
The File State Manager is a State Manager State Manager Blocks that saves the state for one project to a file. The filename should be stored in either the working directory for the project or in the explicitly specified directory....
Filesystem Source Control Block
Use the 'File' Source Control plugin to check for modifications on a directory accessable by the build server. You can use either directories on 'mapped' drives (local or remote), or UNC paths (remote)....
Filter Trigger
The Filter Trigger allows you to prevent builds from occurring at certain times (such as when your source control repository is undergoing backup). It is used to decorate an existing trigger. For example,...
Filtered Source Control Block
What is FilteredSourceControl? The FilteredSourceControl allows you to filter out modifications that are used to trigger a build. If for example,...
The ForceBuildPublisher is used to force a build on a local or remote build server. It uses .NET Remoting to invoke a forced build on the CruiseControl.NET server at the specified URI....
Installation Prerequisites
CruiseControl.NET Server To get CruiseControl.NET server up and running, you need to have the following environments set up and installed: Microsoft.NET Framework Version 1.0 or 1.1 (download
Installing the Web Dashboard
Previous versions (0.8 and earlier) of the Dashboard required you to setup a {{projectcache}} folder with certain privileges. This is no longer necessary....
Interval Trigger
The Interval Trigger is used to specify that an integration should be run periodically, after a certain amount of time. By default, an integration will only be triggered if modifications have been detected since the last integration....
We track CCNet issues using Jira here
Labeller Blocks
Labellers are used to generate the label that CCNet uses to identify the specific build. The label generated by CCNet can be used to version your assemblies or label your version control system with each build. Types of Labeller Block are:
The ThoughtWorks Open Source Software License, Version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2003 ThoughtWorks, Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,...
Mailing Lists
We use our Sourceforge project
MKS Source Integrity Source Control Block
MKS Source Integrity Example For MKS Source Integrity you must specify the executable, user, password, hostname, sandboxroot and sandboxfile. You may also specify the port. C:\MKS\bin\si....
Modification Writer Task
This task writes the detected modifications for the current integration to a file as xml. This enables the modifications to be used by external programs, such as within a NAnt build script....
Multi Source Control Block
'Multi' Source Control Configuration Example You can use the 'Multi' Source Control plugin to check for modifications from any number of source control repositories....
Multiple Projects
The CruiseControl.NET server can be configured to manage the integration requirements for several projects concurrently. To do this, simply include the configuration for the different projects consecutively in the ccnet.config file. ......
NAnt Task
Examples Minimalist Example: Full example: c:\fromcvs\myrepo\myproject\tools\nant\nant.exe c:\fromcvs\myrepo\myproject D:cvs.executable=c:\putty\cvswithplinkrsh.bat false My.Other....
NetReflector is the xml binding framework used by CCNet to handle the deserialisation of the configuration data into the objects used by the application. You can find out more about NetReflector on the confluence site
CCNet Blog
Null Source Control Block
Use the Null Source Control if you don't want to check a Source Control repository for changes. In this instance you would always want to either use a 'Force Build' Trigger or always manually start builds, from the Web Dashboard or CCTray....
NUnit Task
(i) See Using CruiseControl.NET with NUnit for more details. This task enables you to instruct CCNet to run the unit tests contained within a collection of assemblies....
Perforce Source Control Block
Perforce Configuration Examples Example using defaults: //projects/myproject/... Full example: //projects/ccnet/...,//tools/nant/... c:\perforce\p4.exe ccnetbuildhost public perforce01.thoughtworks....
Plugins Configuration Block
The Web Dashboard comes preconfigured to use a default set of plugins. To change what plugins you want to use for your CruiseControl.NET deployment, use the {{ }} section of the Dashboard configuration. The section is split up into 4 parts,...
Project Configurable Build Plugin
Most Build Plugins can be configured to be used only for certain projects. If they can be, it will say on their own documentation page. A Build Plugin by default will appear on the Build Plugins list for all projects,...
Project Configuration Block
A {{ }} block defines all the configuration for one project running in a CruiseControl....
Project Details
Open Source CruiseControl.NET is an Open Source project. This means it is free to use, and the source code is also available and distributable under a few conditions. Our License is very similar to the Apache & BSD licenses....
Project Report Project Plugin
The Project Report Project Plugin shows you summary details for a specific project. Part of these details are any External Links ExternalLinks you have specified in the project configuration....
Project Report Web Application
The CCNet Project Report Web Application is used for reporting the status of all the builds for a project. To install it: # Unzip the distribution as described in Basic Installation # In IIS,...
Project Report Web Application Plugins
(i) The Project Report Web Application will be deprecated in a nottofaraway release. The plugins for the replacement project reporting will use a different API. CruiseControl....
Project Team
These people are committers to CruiseControl.NET: mroberts orogers Mike Two mgm Ajey Gore cbrown Jeremy StellSmith John Sullivan Mike Royle Ryan Moffat svadagir@thoughtworks....
PVCS Source Control Block
CruiseControl.NET supports integrating with the PVCS Source Control system via the pcli client. PVCS Configuration Examples For the PVCS provider you must specify the executable, project and subproject....
Rational ClearCase Source Control Block
Rational ClearCase Configuration Typical / Minimal Configuration For most uses the following is all you'll need in your {{ccnet....
Remote Project Labeller
Remote Project Labeller This labeller retrieves the last successful integration label for a project on a remote server....
Remote Services Configuration Block
At this time the {{}} tag just contains a {{}} Servers Configuration Block section. Example: . .
Useful links \\ CruiseControl.NET Community Site CCNETCOMM: Report a bug or request a feature (JIRA)
Schedule Trigger
The Schedule Trigger is used to specify that an integration should be run at a certain time on certain days. By default, an integration will only be triggered if modifications have been detected since the last integration....
Server Application Config File
Various aspects of the CruiseControl.NET Server are configured in the application configuration file. The name of this file depends on how you are running the server: If you are running the Console Application,...
Server Log
Overview Server Log is a project plugin for the CCNet Web application. It tails the CCNet server log file (typically called "ccnet.log") to display the latest set of log entries. Server Log is available as part of the CCNet 0.5 release (or later)....
Server Log Server Plugin
The Server Log Server Plugin shows you recent activity that has been output to the server log for a specific build server. Read the Server Application Config File page for more help on build server logging....
Server Report Server Plugin
The Server Report Server Plugin shows you status information for all projects on a specific server. If the Dashboard cannot connect to the server then an errors table is shown detailing the problem....
Servers Configuration Block
The Dashboard needs to connect over the network to each of Build Servers you want to report on. If you have changed any of the remoting configuration for your servers, you'll need those details now....
Site Index
This is the Site Index for the CruiseControl.NET Space:
Solution Structure
Here is a dependency graph of the assemblies contained within the CCNet project. This graph is in the SVG format, so you will need to download an SVG Viewer
Source Control Blocks
Types of Source Control Block are:
SourceGear Vault Source Control Block
SourceGear Vault Configuration Example For Visual Source Safe you must specify the executable, project, username and password. You may also specify the SSDIR. If SSDIR is not set the default or the SSDIR environment variable will be used....
Splitting the build
As your codebase grows and your build starts to take an increasingly long time,...
StarTeam Source Control Block
StarTeam Configuration Example For StarTeam you must specify the executable, project, username and password. You may also specify the host, port and path. The host defaults to The port to 49201. The path to the empty string....
State File Labeller
Remote Project Labeller This labeller retrieves the last successful integration label for a project using the project's state file....
State Manager Blocks
CruiseControl.NET needs to store state about a project. This is data such as the last build label, the time of the last build, and the outcome of the build, etc. The State Manager allows you to specify how and where this data is stored....
Subversion Source Control Block
CruiseControl.NET provides basic support for Subversion repositories. Checking for changes, running builds (bootstrapped through NAnt), and taggingbycopying are supported,...
CruiseControl.NET is not a commercial piece of software, so we cannot guarantee support. However, we do have some ways to help you with issues you may have: If you subscribe to the CCNetuser mailing list Mailing Lists,...
Task Blocks
Types of Task Block are: Publishers are now interchangeable with Tasks. These tasks can be included either in the section or the section of the ccnet.config file depending on whether they should be run in or after the build.
Telelogic Synergy
Abstract This page describes integration of CruiseControl.NET with Telelogic's Synergy SCM product suite, specifically CM Synergy as well as ChangeSynergy. Detection of modifications is entirely task based rather than object based,...
The CruiseControl Configuration Block
The root tag in the Server Configuration file is the {{}} tag. The {{}} tag can contain 1 or many Project Configuration Blocks as sub tags. Read the Multiple Projects page if you'd like to have more than 1 project section....
The Server Console Application
You can launch the CruiseControl.NET server by executing the {{ccnet.exe}} file, which is located in the {{server}} folder of the extracted distribution. Before doing this, make sure to setup the Server Application Config File....
The Server Service Application
Installing CCService CCService is a Windows Service that can be used to launch the CCNet server. If you used the CruiseControl.NET Installer to setup CCNet on your machine, the CCNet service should already be configured....
CruiseControl.NET is developed by ThoughtWorks. We are a world leading Systems Integrator, specializing in Agile Development Techniques. You can read more about us at
Trigger Blocks
Trigger blocks allow you to specify when CruiseControl.NET will start a new integration cycle. Typically, you'll want to use an Interval Trigger. Also useful is the Schedule Trigger for implementing daily builds....
Using CruiseControl.NET with CVS
CruiseControl.NET has the following integration with CVS: (/) Modification Checking via polling (/) Automatic Source Updates (/) Automatic labelling on success (/) Web Integration with ViewCVS Setting up a CVS project for use with CruiseControl....
Using CruiseControl.NET with FxCop
Run FxCop as part of your integration Run FxCop as part of your NAnt build In order to get the results of FxCop included in the CruiseControl.NET build results, you will need to include a call to FxCopCmd.exe in your NAnt build file....
Using CruiseControl.NET with MBUnit
The process of getting MBUnit working with CCNet is similar to that of the other external tools. Check out the Simian Using CruiseControl.NET with Simian page for an example. Check Andrew Stopford's blog for more info:
Using CruiseControl.NET with MKS Source Integrity
See MKS Source Integrity Source Control Block for details on integrating CruiseControl.NET with MKS Source Integrity.
Using CruiseControl.NET with MSBuild
Currently there is no explicit support for MSBuild in CruiseControl.NET (although such a plugin is under development). For now it is recommended that you use the Executable Task see Mike Swanson's Blog at
Using CruiseControl.NET with NAnt
See NAnt Task
Using CruiseControl.NET with NCover
This page shows how you can integrate NCover, a code coverage tool, with NUnit into your CruiseControl .NET build for test coverage purpose. NCover is a code coverage analysis tool and it is designed to work with compiled shipping code....
Using CruiseControl.NET with NUnit
Integrating NUnit into your build in the CruiseControl.NET Server The typical way to integrate the CruiseControl.NET Server with NUnit is to run NUnit as part of your Build Process Builder Blocks. If you're using NAnt,...
Using CruiseControl.NET with other applications
CruiseControl.NET only work successfully when it is used correctly with other applications. The following pages tell you how to do this. Source Control Systems Using CruiseControl.NET with CVS Using CruiseControl....
Using CruiseControl.NET with Other Build Tools
See Executable Task
Using CruiseControl.NET with Perforce
See Perforce Source Control Block
Using CruiseControl.NET with PVCS
See PVCS Source Control Block
Using CruiseControl.NET with Rational ClearCase
See Rational ClearCase Source Control Block
Using CruiseControl.NET with Simian
Run Simian as part of your integration Run Simian as part of your NAnt build In order to get the results of Simian included in the CruiseControl.NET build results, you will need to include a call to simian.exe in your NAnt build file....
Using CruiseControl.NET with SourceGear Vault
See SourceGear Vault Source Control Block
Using CruiseControl.NET with StarTeam
See StarTeam Source Control Block
Using CruiseControl.NET with Subversion
See Subversion Source Control Block
Using CruiseControl.NET with Telelogic Synergy
See the Telelogic Synergy source control configuration block.
Using CruiseControl.NET with Vil
This page shows how you can integrate Vil
Using CruiseControl.NET with Visual Source Safe
See Visual Source Safe Source Control Block
Using CruiseControl.NET with Visual Studio .NET
See Visual Studio Task
Using the Web Dashboard
Assuming you've set everything up OK, you should be able to view the default page in the Virtual Directory you setup for your web application. The default page on CCNetLive is at
View All Builds Project Plugin
The View All Builds Project Plugin lists all available builds for a project. Example Configuration Elements There is no configuration for this plugin.
Visual Source Safe Source Control Block
VSS Configuration Example For Visual Source Safe you must specify the executable, project, username and password. You may also specify the SSDIR. If SSDIR is not set the default or the SSDIR environment variable will be used....
Visual Studio Task
Most complex build processes use NAnt
Web Dashboard
The CCNet Web Dashboard Application is used for reporting a wide range of information....
Web Dashboard FAQ
Can I use my own XSL styleheets for reports? Yes. Both the Build Report Build Plugin and Xsl Report Build Plugin can be configured to use custom stylesheets....
Web Service
The CruiseControl.NET Web Service is currently under development and will be supported in a later release.
Welcome to CruiseControl.NET
Download Documentation Examples Support Project Details ThoughtWorks Site Index CruiseControl.NET is an Automated Continuous Integration server, implemented using the Microsoft .NET Framework.\\ If you're new to CruiseControl.NET,...
What is Continuous Integration
The practice of continuous integration represents a fundamental shift in the process of building software. It takes integration, commonly an infrequent and painful exercise, and makes it a simple, core part of a developer's daily activities....
What is CruiseControl.NET
The CruiseControl.NET Server CruiseControl.NET (CCNet) consists of a suite of applications, but at its core is the CruiseControl.NET Server which is an automated integration server....
Why CruiseControl.NET
As CruiseControl.NET is based on the original Java implementation of CruiseControl
Xml Log Publisher
The Xml Log Publisher is used to create the log files read by the CruiseControl.NET web page, so if you don't define an xmllogger the web page will not function....
XSL Files
XSL Transforms are used by the Web Dashboard to generate reports from build log files, for example using the Build Report Build Plugin or XSL Report Build Plugin. The following XSL Transforms are available,...
XSL Report Build Plugin
The Xsl Report Build Plugin shows detailed output for a specific build using a configured XSL Transform. See XSL Files for a list of available XSL transforms and how to use your own transforms. This is a Project Configurable Build Plugin....